Why I Speak Out
Some of you have reached out and asked, “Hey Mitch, why are you posting so much about Trump’s criminal convictions?”
Fair question. My response is simple.
I’m a trial lawyer. I became a trial lawyer 30+ years ago to help those who don’t have the ability to protect themselves.
I want to take on the bullies and hold wrongdoers accountable. It’s in my DNA.
Trump’s a bully, and he’s hurting our country. Today he’s a convicted criminal.
Not only was he found guilty on 34 felonies by a jury of his peers, but dozens of key players in his past administration are also now convicted felons.
Of course I’ll keep sharing posts and ideas about law, business, AI, Web3, and the metaverse.
It’s fun and I enjoy sharing my thoughts on these topics.
But keep in mind this past week is the first time in history a past President became a convicted felon.
What happens in the White House affects every aspect of our nation. From our economy and national security to foreign and domestic policy to everything else in between. What’s happening right now is a big deal.
It’s a big deal in our personal lives, our businesses and America moving forward.
Seeing uninformed people supporting this guy bugs the sh*t out of me.
Watching MAGA politicians intentionally misleading the American people sickens me.
This is why you see me posting this content right now.
To hopefully inform and educate those who are still undecided about how they’re going to vote in November.
Believe me, I wish none of this was happening.
I wish we were simply debating ideas and policy, working together and taking action to make America better and stronger. Instead, Trump and MAGA are tearing it apart.
Once things get back to normal, I’ll transition back to the topics you normally see me talking about.
But as mentioned, I’ve been a trial lawyer for a long time, and doing the right thing and holding wrongdoers accountable is in my blood.
It’s who I am.
Bottom line, I believe this is a moment in history where it’s dangerous to look the other way.
I try to keep things objective and accurate and am always available in the comments or via DM.
Between now and the next time, enjoy the journey and never stop making each day your masterpiece.
Mitch Jackson, Esq.