This Week’s “Work From Home” Tips
Join me for a quick beach run and chat (click to watch)
This week I’m sharing several new posts and interviews to help people who are working from home because of the Coronavirus. For those of you who are professional speakers and event planners, there are several resources for you too. Please share with those who could use this information. Thanks!
AgoraPulse video interview (Coronavirus, speakers and working from home) with AgoraPulse, Mike Allton, Jennifer Watson, Erin Gargan King and Brian Fanzo
CORONAVIRUS, CONFERENCES, AND LIABILITY- Tips for Speakers, Event Holders, and Attendees (blog post) via Mitch Jackson
COVID-19: Navigating the Coronavirus as a public speaker (podcast) with Ryan Foland
8 Tips for Working From Home (Twitter thread) via Mitch Jackson
Social Media Agency and Speaking Legal Issues (video interview) with Jim Fuhs and Tim Sohn
Casual Friday’s Podcast- Coronavirus business update (podcast) with Tyler J. Anderson of Casual Fridays
9 Legal, Business and Entrepreneurial Tips to Help You Start and Build Your Online Business (blog post) by Mitch Jackson
California employer/employee Coronavirus employment rights- Top 10 questions and answers