The NEW LEGALMINDS 2.0 Mastermind Community
Go from Unknown to Unforgettable
We’ve created a brand new LegalMinds 2.0 Mastermind Community. Everything we’ve been doing in the Facebook Group, Facebook Units, Private Member Website, Slack, Emails, Texts, Vimeo Videos, Webinars, and Zoom, will now be available in a single easy-to-use dedicated private platform.
This keeps things simple, fast and easy. If you’re like us, that’s what it’s all about!
Here’s the deal, for far too long, we’ve been forced to spread ourselves across multiple public and private platforms to build our mastermind community and share answers to your questions and crowdsource ideas. It’s challenging to stay on top of all this information. We’ve been waiting for technology to catch up and provide us with a home where we can bring all our resources, solutions, and amazing mastermind professionals together.
Well, the technology is finally here, and the new LegalMinds 2.0 Mastermind Community is now live.
The Problem with Facebook Groups
Facebook Groups are noisy and distracting. Yes, they offer some pretty cool features but, it’s at the costs of ads and other things being pushed in our faces 24/7 that make maintaining focus a big challenge. Add to that the privacy and security concerns some have with sharing data on Facebook, and things get just a bit more complicated. We get that.
Our new LegalMinds 2.0 Community eliminates these negatives and focuses on the positives. As professionals, we know your time and attention are valuable assets, so with this in mind, there are no ads and distractions. Everything is about sharing massive value and providing a place where the only thing you see is mastermind content. Our new platform allows you to fully customize the number of pings, dings, and notifications you receive each day or week.
The Problem with Slack
While the techie crowd tends to like Slack and be comfortable with the platform, they are not the majority. The steep learning curve makes it a challenge for most busy professionals to learn and use the platform. Based upon our own experiences and your feedback, we also believe the user experience and threaded discussions are just too clunky to be useful for our particular community.
The Answer
Over the years, we’ve received input from members and have consistently been making changes and improvements to the community. One of the most common requests has been to combine the content in the Facebook Group with Slack, the website, email and text updates, and other third-party resources all in one place. Because of advances in technology, it’s all now happening.
We finally found a platform that is designed specifically for our community of professionals (thank you Mighty Networks). It’s allowed us to create a private social media community that combines all of the above and gives you 24/7 searchable access on your desktop, laptop, tablet, or phone. You can filter and pick and choose what you want to see and receive notifications on.
This new platform and app feel familiar and are easy to use without the distractions and advertisements on Facebook, the difficulty of Slack, and need to jump in and out of all the other mentioned platforms and services. Now, everything is literally in one place, searchable, and in the palm of your hand. For networking and referrals, the membership directory is customizable by each member and just a click away.
The LegalMinds 2.0 Community content is curated, organized, searchable, and structured. You’ll be able to find what you need more quickly and while on any device. We know your privacy is always important, and the new platform provides a safe place to ask questions and engage with other community members. Nobody is using your data to market, create algorithms, or push ads your way.
The LegalMinds 2.0 Community is where we’ll be spending our time and moving forward. This new platform will allow for even more high-quality, relevant, usable content to be shared and discussed. It will also be a single place where you can be part of a meaningful community that focuses on crowdsourcing, contribution, and solutions. When you’re here, it’s all about sharing and getting value, and nothing else.
Jump in and connect with other premium members. Say hello to people you don’t know and think of other mastermind members simply as friends you haven’t had the chance to meet yet.
All of the existing content will, of course, remain available. But, starting June 8, all new content and engagement will happen in the new LegalMinds 2.0 Community. Please keep in mind that we know the journey and user experience are just as important as the destination, and this new platform makes both a top priority.
We know you’re going to enjoy and benefit from the new LegalMinds 2.0 community. As busy professionals, we know respecting your time and attention is important and, keeping things easy, and fast is always a good thing. The new LegalMinds 2.0 Community does all this and more.
Reach out with questions. Existing members should dive right in and have fun using the links provided in our earlier communications.
And while you’re doing this and saving the world (I know, we’ve all got a lot on our plates right now), let’s do our best to enjoy the journey and make each day our masterpiece!
Mitch at LegalMinds