“The harder you work, the luckier you get.” -Gary Player
In 2017, I had just finished representing a client at a Mandatory Settlement Conference at the Orange County Superior Court. Exiting the elevators and walking through the lobby on the first floor, I was approached by a stranger.
He asked, “Are you a lawyer? If so, can I ask you a quick question?”
With my curiosity piqued, we chatted for a few minutes and I steered the conversation in a helpful direction, offering guidance and advice. Grateful for the support, he asked for my contact information before inquiring about my experience as a lawyer.
On the drive back to the office, I took a moment to reflect on the specifics of my legal career. Arriving at my desk, I started crunching the numbers beginning with first client and jury trial way back in 1986.
Together with my partner, Lisa Wilson, these were the combined numbers back in 2017. All I can say is time flies when you’re having fun!
✅ 124,800 hours of combined experience practicing law (the real number is more);
✅ 2,640 hours of combined court and jury trials. This number jumps up to 5,200+ if you take pre-trial preparation and litigation into consideration;
✅ 2,000 hours of combined mediations and arbitrations (again, probably more);
What a crazy ride it’s been!
Looking back, Gary had it right. The more we do something the luckier we get!
Are you ready to put my “luck” to work for you? 😁
I’m now available for private mediation and arbitration. Please start here.
#mediation #arbitration