How to use AI to do a background check on a person or company
Due diligence is the flashlight that uncovers what’s lurking in the shadows.
To help us see clearly, we’ve been using the following AI due diligence prompt with a great deal of success. It’s fast, free and pretty darn accurate.
The services or settings that work best are GPT-4 with the “Browse with Bing (beta)” selected. Doing the search directly from within the Microsoft Bing AI chat feature works well too. Google Bard isn’t delivering worthwhile responses but we’re sure it’ll come around in the next few months.
Depending on the AI you use, you may have to type “continue” in the prompt to force the AI to continue providing you with a report response.
Warning: Make sure to do your own due diligence with the feedback and responses. While overall the results are very impressive, we did notice a few mistakes. Also, for a more thorough overview and links to professional due diligence services, please see our prior article on LinkedIn.
Update: Shortly after posting the original article, several friends were kind enough to reach out and let us know that the AI wasn’t providing a response. Just an FYI, we’re using the paid GPT-4 ($20/month) and also searching under the “Browse with Bing (beta)” option. The prompt is also working for us via the new Microsoft Bing AI Chat text box option which is free.
OK. Let’s dive in. Here is the AI prompt we’re using to do a preliminary background check on a person or company. Copy and paste the full prompt into the AI services mentioned above.
Copy and paste the following 👇👇👇
You are an experienced private investigator and security expert. I need a thorough due diligence background check on INSERT PERSON NAME AND COMPANY NAME who is DESCRIBE PERSON’S OCCUPATION AND/OR COMPANY PRODUCT/SERVICE hereinafter together referenced as “subject.” Please respond to the following specific needs with a report using headings and sub-topics:
Business profile: Please provide a detailed business profile analysis on the “subject” mentioned above. Finalize your analysis with a number from 1 to 10 with 10 being a top rating.
Legal history: Please provide a detailed litigation and legal history analysis on the “subject” mentioned above. Finalize your analysis with a number from 1 to 10 with 10 being a top rating.
Financial health: Please provide a detailed financial health analysis on the “subject” mentioned above. Finalize your analysis with a number from 1 to 10 with 10 being a top rating.
Reputation: Please provide a detailed reputation analysis on the “subject” mentioned above. Finalize your analysis with a number from 1 to 10 with 10 being a top rating.
Past performances and partnerships: Please provide a detailed past performance and partnership business relationships analysis on the “subject” mentioned above. Finalize your analysis with a number from 1 to 10 with 10 being a top rating.
Regulatory compliance: Please provide a detailed regulatory compliance analysis on the “subject” mentioned above. Finalize your analysis with a number from 1 to 10 with 10 being a top rating.
Risk assessment: Please provide a detailed risk assessment analysis on the “subject” mentioned above. Finalize your analysis with a number from 1 to 10 with 10 being a top rating.
Future viability: Please provide a detailed future viability analysis on the “subject” mentioned above. Finalize your analysis with a number from 1 to 10 with 10 being a top rating.
Due diligence checklist: Please provide a detailed due diligence analysis on the “subject” mentioned above. Finalize your analysis with a number from 1 to 10 with 10 being a top rating.
Conclusion: Please provide a detailed summary of your findings based upon the above parameters on the “subject” mentioned above. Make a recommendation on whether or not I can safely do business with this person. Finalize your analysis with a number from 1 to 10 with 10 being a top safe rating.
— End —
Try doing a due diligence search on someone you’re thinking about or currently doing business with. Plug your own name and business into the AI prompt and see what comes up.
Remember, the results should be carefully reviewed for accuracy.
Please share your comments, thoughts and feedback.
Thanks. Stay safe and always make each day your masterpiece!