Build a Multifaceted and Multi-Product Business and Brand

In business, putting all your eggs in one basked looks nice and makes it easy to stay organized. The only problem is when your eggs crack (and they will), or if you lose your basket all together, bad stuff happens.
One way I’ve been able to avoid having disaster hit my professional life is to be multifaceted, offer multiple products and services, and be diversified. Changing with the times and keeping a close eye on future trends has helped me build, over the last 30 years, my businesses and the personal and professional brands I enjoy and am proud of today.
In addition to being a trial lawyer and doing the typical lawyer things like meeting clients, taking depositions, and appearing in court, I also have other business interests that I’m involved in on a daily basis. These profit centers keep life interesting, allow me to help a global audience, and also create multiple revenue streams that most lawyers don’t have. This approach to business and life has allowed me to work because I want to, not because I have to. It’s also opened up time for me to share what I’ve learned and help others in my LegalMinds Mastermind.
For example, during any single day or week, in addition to helping my personal injury and wrongful death clients find justice, I’ve also built my practice and brand around the following business and personal interests, passions, and activities:
Consulting: startups and traditional companies
Consulting: Online businesses
Consulting: social media, digital and technology
Consulting: litigation and trial strategy
Real estate
Community service and philanthropy
Communication blogs
LegalShield Plans
Social media, livestreaming, and podcasting
LegalMinds Mastermind
These multiple interests all didn’t happen at once but, they are the result of an intentional journey I’ve been on over the last thirty years. If you want to raise the bar in 2018, I believe you should do the same thing.
Start with taking baby steps.
While Amazon started off selling books, today it’s much more. Google, Apple, Microsoft, and Tesla, have all expanded beyond their initial products and services. You can innovate and expand too.
If you want help coming up with ideas, then take a close look at what everyone’s talking about today. Give some thought to how you can expand your products, services, and expertise, to include one or more of the following:
3D Printing, Artifical Intelligence, Artifical and Virtual Reality, Self Driving Cars, Robots, Biometrics, Blockchains, Cannabis, Climate Change, Sexual Harassment, Environment, Global Warming, Politics, Crowdsourcing, Cryptocurrencies, Cybersecurity, Online Bullying and Shaming, Digital Technology, Drones, Inclusion Rights, First Amendment, Immigration, Space, Internet of Things, LGBTQ, Internet Rights, Privacy, Solar, Cloud Technology, Apps and Uber-type services as they apply to old-school business models.
All of these areas are already influencing individuals, society, and business. Take a moment and think about how one or more of these will change your business? How will they affect your customers and clients? Which ones offer you new opportunities?
Figure out what is of interest to you and then start to expand the services your company offers and eventually, your brand, by including new profit centers into your life. Not only will doing so develop new ways you can help others on a local, national and global level (don’t limit yourself), you’ll also generate more income and expand your professional and referral networks and audiences.
Think differently than everyone else. Don’t put all your eggs in one basket. Embrace change and expand your services and brand. Create multiple profit centers and start building your empire in 2018.
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