14 Ways Professionals Can Market Their Practice on Social Media in 2020

Mitch Jackson, Esq.
21 min readDec 27, 2019


As a professional (I’m a lawyer), I understand time is your most valuable asset. I also know that starting and building your digital brand, is one of the most important things you can do to expand your practice, help more people, and increase profits.

In this new post for 2020, I show you how to protect your time while, at the same time, maximize the building of your brand by sharing content across all the top platforms. I give you proven ways to create a piece of content once, and then use and share that content, in 14 different ways, to create top of mind awareness, expand your brand from local to global, and when all said and done, help more people, while increasing income earning opportunities.


Because I respect your time and attention, I’m going to jump right into this post. But before I do, remember that in today’s digital world, we’re all media companies.

While content is king, context and personality will define just how big your digital kingdom will be on social media. How you create and share your content matters. Whether or not your clients and patients are your biggest fan really does matter. How you create human experiences on social media matters.

What you create is important, but how you share it and the experience you provide your audience is what will separate you from everyone else. This is where 99.99% of all professionals drop the ball. They create valuable content, but because they don’t share it the right way, nobody knows who they are or what services they are providing.

If you want to get serious about marketing your professional practice on social media in 2020 and, the right way to connect with today’s social savvy consumers, then use the tips and advice I share in this post, together with the approaches I share in my book, “The Ultimate Guide to Social Media for Business Owners, Professionals and Entrepreneurs.”

Put these 14 approaches to work to create and share content that’s relevant, interesting, timely, novel, memorable and appropriately entertaining and emotional. Use the powerful storytelling and persuasion approaches I share in the last 15+ chapters of my book to stand out a create top of mind awareness.

I also want to be transparent and let you know that I’m a brand ambassador for several of the products and services I reference in this post. Having said that, I would never recommend a company that I wasn’t using or didn’t think would add value to your business.

OK. Now that that’s out of the way, let’s say you’ve just created a good piece of written, audio or visual (pictures, video or live video) content. To get started, you’ve got to first share your new content someplace. In this example, I’m going to start by sharing the content (a written post), on my website/blog. Although I’m starting with a written post, you can start with the platform of your choice. Whether it’s a written post, podcast or video, the repurposing approach will work the same way.

OK. Let’s get started…

Step #1: Website and Blog

Share personal and professional news and updates in a properly written blog post. Use effective headings and appropriate keywords. Use persuasive and emotional stories and write in your own voice. Try to avoid professional and industry-specific jargon if possible. Make the post interesting and easy to read. Increase interaction by always including a picture, graphic or video. Try to avoid using stock photos and instead use your own originals.

If you’re writing your blog posts like most of the other professionals, then you’re probably doing things wrong. Be yourself and unique. Speak from the heart and share your art. Use the communication tips in my book to stand out, make your point, and get people to take action.

If you don’t have a website or blog, then get this done. This needs to be a high priority. Everyone is going mobile (smartphones and tablets) so make sure your site is mobile responsive (no exceptions).

Here’s an brilliant approach that good friend, Nick Rishwan, is consistently implementing to add value to his audience. When he’s not blogging, Nick happens to be the co-creator of LegLTechLive, VP of Experts.com and CMO of TextALawyer. He’s literally surrounded by interesting and brilliant people every day.

When Nick is ready to share his thoughts about a trending legal/tech issue, Nick will write about it in his blog. Not only does Nick bring in experts, who are often clients of Experts.com, to share thoughts and insights but, he’ll also reach out to his online community of friends and experts, for contributing comments, co-authors and guests posts.

Guess what happens when Nick “hits publish” on his final blog post? It not only goes out to the thousands of experts who follow Nick’s work at Experts.com, but also to followers and fans of his other businesses, several of whom may have been in the blog themselves. Because they like Nick and find his work helpful, they share the post with their tribes. The process goes on and on.

Now, when the followers of those followers also see the link and read the post, it’s shared again and Nick becomes top of mind for a new set of potential clients. This happens for days, weeks and even months. Nick’s strategy has resulted in thousands and sometimes tens of thousands of people reading a single post. His approach of shining a bright light on someone else is a good way to help others build relationships, profile interesting people in your organization, customers and patients, and just a good way to do the right thing on social media.

And one more final thought about creating and sharing content. Either do this yourself or, have your team member or virtual assistant do this for you. The key is to get things done so, rather than creating excuses, create content using these steps.

OK. Now that you have your initial content created and posted, repurpose your existing new content in the following ways. Click here to see how I’m creating content on my blog.

Step #2: Twitter

Share the catchy caption or heading of your blog post, together with a short descriptive sentence on Twitter. Include a link back to your original blog post. Use one or more relevant hashtags and a relevant emoji.

Pictures attract attention and create more engagement. As such, add the image you used in your blog post to your tweet (remember, avoid stock photos). Also use several relevant hashtags and if you’re blog post is about, or may interesting to, a particular person, product or service, tag them in your tweet.

One of my favorite ways to create a picture or video to use with my tweet is to screenshot a picture or clip of a video from my blog post using my computer shortcut (Shift-Command-4) or QuickTimePlayer on a Mac. On Windows use “Alt + PrtScn”. You can also use “Jing” or SnagIt by TechSmith. When using these techniques, always respect copyright law.

While you’re thinking about Twitter, take your blog post and break it down into 5 to 10 short “teasers” (keep it short and to about 150–200 characters) highlighting key points and topics contained within your blog. Each snapshot or tweet is worded in its own unique and eye-catching way. I use Word or a Google Doc and keep a list of these mini-snapshot tweets for future use.

Sit down at night or early in the morning and using AgoraPulse (I prefer AgoraPulse because it offers more options and, I’m also a brand ambassador for the company) to schedule these additional tweets once or twice a day, over the next 5–30 days. Again, if you don’t have time to do this, get a team member or VA to do this for you.

If you’re short on time, you can use the “auto-schedule or queue” function to let AgoraPulse schedule tweets for you. Link each tweet back to your original blog post. If you’d like to watch how a true professional is maximizing what AgoraPulse has to offer, connect with it’s its brand evangelist, Mike Allton, to (1) enjoy and learn from his brilliant blogging, writing and social media tips, at The Social Media Hat, and (2) to also watch how Mike is using AgoraPulse to share and distribute content, and monitor the engagement and messages, the right way, using the AgoraPulse platform. Don’t recreate the wheel. Instead, model greatness. Duplicate what Mike’s doing.

One final thought about tweets- instead of just using written tweets, you can shoot a quick video with your phone and upload it to directly to Twitter or through AgoraPulse. You can also create a live video about your blog post using the Twitter app (Twitter Live). Make sure to include a link back to your original blog post. In most cases, a combination of the above is the best way to get your message heard by the largest audience possible. If you’d like to see how I’m doing all this, and more on Twitter, click here.

Twitter Live (also see Periscope below)

Twitter Live (originally Periscope), is the live video component of Twitter. Using your phone, it allows you to hop on a live video and share (talk about) your original website blog post with your Twitter followers. Make sure to engage with your audience in the comments and share how your post will help them or solve a problem.

Live video is all about immediately adding value, being consistent, and building an audience. During your live video, remind your live video audience to “hit the share” button and share your broadcast in real time. This is a powerful way to jump start the social media dance.

Recap: OK. So far, you’ve shared the original content to your blog or website. Next, you’ve broken down the original post into 5–10 engaging teasers and shared those teasers directly on Twitter or even better, scheduled them to go out automatically, over the next 30–60 or 90 days, using AgoraPulse. Note that I schedule some evergreen content (content that is really good and doesn’t become outdated), to go out, via AgoraPulse, every 4–6 months. I set it and then forget it.

Pretty slick right?

Step #3: Linkedin

Take one or more of the short content teasers that you have listed in your Word document and share them on Linkedin, linking back to your original blog post.

You can do this manually or, as I do, in AgoraPulse. In fact, AgoraPulse allows me to create content one time, and then schedule that content to go out to Twitter, LinkedIn, Facebook, YouTube and Instagram. I usually do this, or have my team members or VA do this, all at once.

Having said that, in this podcast, I’m going to break things down per platform for you because each bit of content being shared to each platform, needs to be bit different to accommodate the unique personality of each platform. Again, AgoraPulse lets you tweak each bit of content when you schedule it the first time so easy peasy.

In a fashion similar to Twitter Live, Linkedin video and Linkedin Live are other good ways to share your blog post and stir interest on the LinkedIn platform. Upload a video or go live on LinkedIn and dive a bit deeper into the subject matter of your original blog post. Invite live and recorded viewers to learn more by jumping over to your post. Again, want to see how I’m creating and engaging on LinkedIn? Join me here.

Step #4: Facebook and Facebook Groups

Again, I take one or more of the tweets about my original content (in this case my blog post) and re-purpose and share on Facebook. Unlike Twitter, Facebook posts can be longer, so I usually add a bit more information to the original AgoraPulse post, with the link back to my original blog post.

Images and short videos are powerful, attention-grabbing magnets on Facebook and will result in more interaction, shares, and comments. Because of this and using the same approach that you did with Twitter, make sure to include images and videos with your posts.

I have a personal, and several business Facebook profiles, pages and groups, and depending on the nature of the content; I post to each once or twice a day. The key is to always think about how you can repurpose content more than once.

Facebook Live– Jump on Facebook live and share your new post. Go live directly using the platform or, using a service like Zoom, Ecamm or others that I discuss below.

When you do go live, talk about some aspect of the content that you may not have shared in the post (your story and motivation behind why you wrote the post). Use good storytelling and persuasive techniques. Let viewers know they can click the link to your website to read the entire post. Again, use the live video and communication techniques shared in numerous chapters in my book to make the most of your livestreaming efforts. I have several Facebook pages and groups. You can find most of them here.

Step #5: YouTube and YouTube Live

If your original content included video, upload the video to YouTube and shared part of your description with a link back to your original blog post. If your original material didn’t include video, think about creating a video about your post and upload to YouTube linking back to the original content.

Use the Youtube transcription service, or a third-party service like Rev, to create a written transcript of your video. Use the transcript to create a blog post, increase your traditional SEO, and also comply with possible ADA requirements.

Using almost any video editing software, it’s easy to rip (separate) the audio from the video. When you do this, you can then create an audio post or podcast from your original video.

Youtube Live– Using the same approach as you might use with Twitter or Facebook Live or Periscope, jump on Youtube Live and create related content. Take advantage of this video feature and re-purpose content from other platforms. I’ll be focusing on this YouTube channel in 2020.

Two friends who I know, like and trust who are both Youtube pros and who offer great “how to” content on their channels are Roberto Blake and Sean Cannell. Watch what they’re doing and add their approaches to your YouTube efforts in 2020. If you’re looking to improve the production quality of your show (edits, cuts, entertainment value, not looking like that everyday professional sitting behind her desk saying the same old “bla, bla, bla), then pay attention to what and how Casey Neistat is doing things.

Step #6: Periscope

Just like Twitter Live and Facebook Live, Periscope allows you to livestream to the world. It’s owned by Twitter, and your live video will appear in your Twitter feed.

Often when I have new content to share, or when I’m newsjacking a breaking news story), I like to jump on Periscope, from wherever I am using my smartphone, and share the news with my audience. I usually share a backstory as to why I wrote the post, and I always make sure to let my viewers know where they can find the full post.

I’ve also found Periscope to be a fun and powerful engagement tool at community events and while flying my drone over the Pacific (yes, I live stream on both Periscope and Facebook Live while flying and engage in real-time conversation). The only limit to using Periscope, and most of the other platforms, is your imagination so always be ready to pull your smartphone out and “go live” whenever you can. I’m right here on Periscope.

Step #7: SlideShare

This often-overlooked platform is well respected and used successfully by marking pros around the globe. I neglected this service for far too long.

Once I decided to get active on SlideShare, I repurposed a traditional PowerPoint on negotiation. Within the first 24 hours, it had more than 900 views and trended on Twitter and SlideShare. The response was so good that this presentation was then profiled on the SlideShare homepage. Two days later, over 2,000 views. Today this repurposed content now has over 40,000 views. Click here to take a look.

You can and should do the same thing. Take the blog post we’ve been talking about and break it down to a 10–15 slide presentation. Upload it to SlideShare and then include links back to your original blog post.

Step #8: Podcasts

Podcasts are very popular because mobile technology now allows us to easily listen to podcasts anytime and anyplace. They’re easy to create and even easier to listen to. They cost almost nothing to create and can have a 24/7 global impact. Mine is here.

Start with a snappy and attention grabbing intro and then share your information using your own inner voice. Use your post as an outline and just share your message from your heart. Close with a subtle call to action referring your blog post or, simply inviting your audience to stay connected.

Note, once my podcasts are completed and uploaded, I use the exact same techniques I’m sharing in this podcast episode to distribute the podcast to all of my other platforms. The heading and short description are slightly modified to better fit the platform I’m repurposing on. My podcast links are also shared on the original blog post or website page (I’ll go back, or have a team member or virtual assistant) go back to the original post and update it with links to the new podcasts or videos that I mentioned above. Sometimes we’ll even embed into the old blog post, the newer video version of the content. We do this to keep things fresh and, to give our audience options. Some people like to read while others enjoy listening to a podcast or watching a video.

Step #9: Audio Flash Briefings (Amazon Alexa and Google Home)

Audio is the future of digital. Embrace this technology today.

Take your blog post and turn the content into a short 10 minutes or less, flash briefing (think “Alexa, play my updates”). Just like you did with your podcast, begin with a snappy and attention-grabbing intro. Add value and speak from the heart. Close with a subtle call to action referring your blog post or, simply inviting your audience to stay connected.

Just like with the podcast and videos, go back to your prior content and update it with links and audio, or video embeds.

Pro Tip: I use SoundUpNow.com to upload and distribute my Amazon Flash briefings. Within this service is the “Headliner app” that takes my audio and then creates a video with moving sound waves across the front of an image. I’ll take that Headliner video and distribute, using AgoraPulse, automatically across the major social media channels. People react well to this and click on the links I include when sharing. In the end, they are taken back to the original blog post or, one of the subsequent posts I’ve created that’s related to the content.

Two friends, and lawyers, who are creating fantastic value packed daily/weekly flash briefings I you should be listening to, especially if you want to get the feel for what this technology is all about, are Alycia Kinchloe’s, “The Growth Goal” and Morris Lilienthal’s “Tips from MO.” Both are lawyers who share daily legal, business and motivational tips that you can listen to with your Amazon Echo.

If you want to subscribe to my Amazon Flash Briefings to see what I’m doing, just go to mitch.today

Step #10: Zoom, BlueJeans, Ecamm, BeLive, and Similar Live Video Services

These and many other traditional and live video platforms allow you to share videos and even have your own social media live video “television like” show. For me, live video platforms like those mentioned have connected me with interesting and well-known people from all around the world. Using live video, I’ve been on shows with Katie Couric, Anderson Cooper, and one episode even ended up on TMZ. How cool is that!

Several friends, who also happen to be professionals, have weekly shows with amazing guest. Grab a cup of coffee and watch Alabama lawyer, Bernard Nomberg, engage with his amazing guests on his long-running Facebook Live “Nomberg Live” show. While you’re thinking of live video shows, also take a good look at Alabama lawyer, Morris Lilienthal’s live video show, “The Mo Show Live.”

Is there something in the Alabama water that creates live video superstars? Well, I’m not sure what the answer is but, rumor has it that they’re drinking out of the same water jugs that the Alabama players do while down on the sidelines between plays. Coincidence? I don’t know ;-)

You should think about doing your own show in 2020.

When you can, add captions to your videos. A majority of people watching your video will not have their sound on so make it easy for them to watch your video, with the sound off, using captions. I enjoy using Quicc to help me get this done.

When it comes to repurposing content, I’ll sometimes use these video services to pre and post promote and discuss the original blog post. I bring on guests related to the original content topic and interview them. These services allow your audience from around the world to engage in live chat, ask questions, and even join you via live video to meet your guests and ask questions. Sometimes I’ll rip the audio from the recorded live videos and push part or all of the audio back to my podcasts or Amazon flash briefings.

Step #11: Instagram, Snapchat and TikTok

Take the screenshot image or video relating to your blog post and share it by creating a story on these platforms. Or, create a new video relating to your post.

Include a reference back to your website or blog. On Instagram, I usually edit my Instagram profile and share the updated link there. Because you can’t post an active hyperlink in the Instagram stream, simply share the link in your profile and let viewers know they can find it there. Say something like, “see the link in my bio.”

Another way of sharing links in Instagram, and social media in general, is to use the free or paid Linktr.ee service If you want to see how I’m doing this, just go to my Instagram account (I’m @mitchjackson) and checkout the link in my profile bio so see how I’m using this service.

If you’re feely sassy, hop on over to Twitter and then share a tweet letting everyone know you’ve just posted a new Snapchat, Instagram or TikTok. Include your handle or direct link to make it easy for people following you on Twitter to click over to your other accounts.

Keep in mind that Instagram offers different options (Instagram live, Instagram Stories, IGTV) so feel free repurpose your original post on one or more of these Instagram platforms for maximum effect and exposure.

Also, don’t laugh when I mention TikTok (I’m at “mitch_jackson” and am building up my TikTok game in 2020). Many marketing and social media experts are predicting that this platform will continue to grow at a record pace. With that in mind, why not get your free account and watch how some of the leading TikTok experts are using the platform. Then, repurpose your existing content or, create new content, with the personality of the TikTok platform in mind. Have fun with this. Being an early user has its benefits and who knows, you may be the only lawyer in town building out a presence on the platform.

Step #12: Medium

This blogging platform is a great tool to reach an entirely different audience than who may be following your website or blog. I repurpose important and popular posts from other platforms on Medium and am amazed at the additional traction I get. Often, I’ll spend quality time re-writing the post before sharing on Medium. As with everything else, include pictures and embed videos when you can. I’ll be posting more often on Medium in 2020 and we can connect here.

Step #13: Pinterest

Take a look at Pinterest and see if there’s a way you can embrace this platform when repurposing content. Try uploading the picture or screenshot relating to your blog post and add it to one or more of your Pinterest Boards.

After using the content in your Word document to complete the description in Pinterest, make sure to add 3–4 relevant hashtags at the end and, also include your blog post link in the source link box. This way, when someone clicks on the picture, he or she will be taken to your blog post or website.

I’ve found that sharing your hobbies and passions on Pinterest allow you to build relationships with people who may need your legal services in the future. Be low keyed and focus on your hobby. Eventually, people will figure out you’re that lawyer, who also happens to be a human being interested in XYZ, who they know, like and trust.

Just like anything else worth doing, social media is a long term play so focus on the long game. Let’s connect here on Pinterest.

Step #14: Everyday Conversation

Too many people don’t do this. When you have a conversation with someone about a topic, issue, or problem, you’ve blogged about or, shared on social, let them know and share the link with them. I do this all the time and it’s one of the best and easiest ways to share content.

If you do interviews or speak from the stage, always try to incorporate your social media content into your efforts. There’s no need to reinvent the wheel so when you talk about a topic or issue you’ve covered in the past on social, help people by letting them know about your earlier post. I always share screenshots, video clips, and links in my presentations. I also let people know on the phone, in an email or text, or from the stage, that if they search Streaming.Lawyer for “THE TOPIC” they’ll find some useful blog posts and answers to their questions.

Pro Tip: I keep a list of all my favorite posts and links (articles, podcasts, videos, live videos) addressing the most common 20–30 questions or issues that people ask me. Then, when I’m online or offline, and the topic or question comes up, I let the other person know I’ll send the answer over when I get back to the office. Sometimes I just send over a quick text from my phone (I keep a list of the posts and related links in the notes app on my phone). Other times I’ll have my team or virtual assistant, do this for me or on my behalf.

Because links to blog posts and social media posts can be long, I use the link shortening service bit.ly to shorten all the links. This makes it easy for me, regardless of the platform, to copy, paste and share answers.

This is a great way to help others by adding value with previously created content. Not only is the other person happy that you were able to help them with their question, but when he or she shares your social media post with his or her audience, and often times they will, that’s where the magic happens. I’ve had people share my post with hundreds of thousands and even millions of their followers. Always keep things simple and make it easy (keep the links short) for others to share your content.

One reason I created the short URL Mitch.Social was to make it easy to stay connected. Every single day I invite people to stay connected at court, in emails, live videos and on social using this link. You should too. Often times I’ll write it on the back of my business card and say, “make sure to stay connect on social.” It works!

Final Thoughts

The above approaches of creating and repurposing content works well. You can do this yourself or, hand it off to your team or VA. A single blog post can be shared using the above methods over several days, weeks and even months. Services like AgoraPulse make repurposing easy.

To recap, you just created content and shared on your blog in a new post. Then, you took bits and pieces of that post, and the link, and shared on Twitter, LinkedIn, Facebook, Twitter Live, Periscope, YouTube, SlideShare, podcast, Amazon Alexa Flash Briefings, Medium, Zoom, BlueJeans, Ecamm, BeLive, Instagram, Snapchat and TikTok, and also during every day conversations, interviews, speeches and emails. You did this manually, assigned the task out to your team or your virtual assistants, and in most cases, simply uploaded once to AgoraPulse and let the system do the heavy lifting for us.

Whatever works for you is fine. Just make sure to take action and get started. Use repurposing to share more content and save time.

And here’s one more thought…

Make sure to comment and engage with others. Spend time responding to comments and inquiries. Keep the digital dance moving forward. Use first names, tags and open-ended questions.

One reason I like AgoraPulse so much is that it allows me to see who’s engaging on the top platforms, who’s sharing my content, and who’s reaching out to me via direct private message, all from within the AgoraPulse platform. I no longer have to click to each platform to see what’s going on, who’s commenting on what, and to read my incoming private messages. A majority of what I need to know or do is right in front of me on one screen on my desktop or phone. Again, if you go to Streaming.Lawyer/brands you can learn more about AgoraPulse and some of the other services and platforms I rely upon each day.

Also please know that without a doubt, the best increase in influence and engagement I’ve experienced on the digital platforms have come from sharing my human side as a lawyer. I’m talking about sharing non-business passions and interests, that directly or indirectly complement my practice. When I blog about a legal theory or explain new statutes or case law, all I usually hear are digital crickets. But when I share a blog post or social media post about my passions, family, youth sports, or family trips, the engagement is strong. That’s where the connections are made, and frankly, that’s where the referrals and business come from.

Using this approach, I build trust and rapport with my tribe. When this amazing group of people have a legal question, or someone needs a lawyer, who do you think they reach out to or refer to? You can and should do the same thing in 2020.


Today, smart business owners, professionals, and entrepreneurs use social media to inspire, inform, educate, add value, and build relationships. Hopefully, you will use some, or all of these repurposing ideas, to do the same thing. I encourage you to use these repurposing approaches to start incorporating social media into your daily activity to expand your sphere of influence and create top of mind awareness.

If you’d like to stay in touch, please connect with me at my blog Streaming.Lawyer or directly on social media (I’m @mitchjackson on most of the platforms). If you’d like to learn more about how to correctly use social media to market your firm or practice, join us over in my LegalMinds mastermind.

Well, that’s about it for now. I hope I planted a few seeds, gave you a few new ideas, and also gave you a few reasons to stay in touch in 2020.

Thanks everyone and remember to please stay connected, enjoy the journey, and remember to make each day your masterpiece!

Happy New Year!

Mitch Jackson



Mitch Jackson, Esq.
Mitch Jackson, Esq.

Written by Mitch Jackson, Esq.

Award-winning lawyer and mediator sharing 30+ years of tips, approaches and ideas!

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